Kea-Le Nikirahaoyokoyamasan

Art trade with Topo Chan-- random bishonen
Art trade with Topo Chan-- random bishonen by @Kea_Le (Kea-Le Nikirahaoyokoyamasan)

This was an art trade with Topo chan.. She gave me a description and I drew it... I personally love how it came out.. too bad the outline was so messy i couldnt color it >__<;;;

Rough / Concept
20y300d ago
Other Work By @Kea_Le

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 13 August, 2003 @ 04:34 PM

Waii! ^__^ I had to thank you once again for this yummy bishie drawing you did for me!!! He's sooo hot! glomps the bishie

You wouldn't mind if I colored it, would ya? I'm used to coloring with messy outlines cause my outlines are always ten times worse than this. ^_^;;

Posted: Wednesday, 13 August, 2003 @ 04:37 PM

Go ahead! I was planning on making a neater outline for it and coloring it myself anyways, but you can give it a shot if youd like, I dont mind. it is for you after all!

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