Sara Goudrault

Cartoons of the 80's
Cartoons of the 80's by @pinkstarsinsky (Sara Goudrault)

This is what I did over a time span of a few months. it was one of those pictures you start, forget about, and pick up again. That's why it took me so long.

As for the characters, I tried to make each one look like they once did. The only one that is different is Strawberry Shortcake, as she's the ultra orginial version.

I used a bunch of my books to look at when drawing each character. I put lots of time and effort into this piece and I hope that you enjoy it.

Copyrights: Rainbow Brite, Care Bears, Popples, and Strawberry Shortcake (c) Those Characters From Cleveland. My Little Pony (c) Hasbro Micheanglo (c) Mirage Stuidos Elroo Wuzzles (c) Disney Red Fraggle (c) Jim Henson

Finished Work
19y250d ago
Other Work By @pinkstarsinsky

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 01 October, 2004 @ 12:47 PM

Wow, this brings back memories. You certainly did go all out with this picture. Every character is rendered wonderfully, and the variety of styles you captured here is impressive. I wish the background had been defined as well as all the characters, but it doesn't detract from the focus of the picture as it is. Nice work.

Posted: Monday, 13 December, 2004 @ 11:35 PM

Oh, Tallest! I used to watch so many of these. RAinbow Bright... Fraggle Rock... I Think I HAD that Care Bear! And Michelangelo was my FAV Turtle! Wow... Never thought I'd see all these guys in one place. Nice job!

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