Sabrina A Thomas

Blue Illusion
Blue Illusion by @Hippy_of_Doom (Sabrina A Thomas)

Painting based on the Red Illusion series by Kaoru Saito. I painted the geisha a bit more realistic and than Saito usually does, plus the background isn't black.

I feel like I should mention, though i don't want to draw attention to it, her hand! I think because the background isn't close enough to the reference image, even though her hand is blue in the ref, it doesn't look natural. Let's just imagine she's wearing gloves, si? Anyway, overall I'm pleased with it. Though the join from the scan is really noticeable

Acrylics on 10 x 14 inch canvas textured acrylic paper, over a period of about 3 days

Can be viewed at my DeviantART account

17y305d ago
Other Work By @Hippy_of_Doom

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 06 August, 2006 @ 11:37 AM

Piecing together multiple scans is such a hassle. If you have Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro, what you can do is put the two halves onto separate layers and then use the paintbrush or airbrush on soft light setting with the colour white and paint over the bottom shaded line on the top layer. Or, what I find works well is to just use the eraser tool on an airbrush setting, so that the colours of the bottom of the layer show through and fade into the top layer smoothly.

The picture itself is lovely. I love her face, it's very well painted and captivating. The faint highlights in her hair really stand out and work very well with the blue background and all in all it's really well done.

Posted: Sunday, 06 August, 2006 @ 03:22 PM

Yeah I know about doing the layers, but when I scanned the images I had a computer that was too slow to open images that size, and I no longer have the image to rescan :(

I'm glad you like this! I'm very weak at painting, so I really appreciate it! :D

Posted: Wednesday, 01 August, 2007 @ 01:47 PM

ok, its really cool. its beautiful, the background, her face, her hair, her clothes, its all very beautiful. lol, her hand, maybe if you made the end of her sleeve bluer it would work? but, thats jst a guess and i dont know because i'm not much of an artist. you, however, are very much so an artist and you really have to stop saying that you're not confident with painting! be confident!!! you're good enough, so be proud of it and stop being not confident lol.

Posted: Sunday, 05 August, 2007 @ 10:42 AM
Thank you so much for your advice and very encouraging and flattering comment : )

It means a lot to me even though it is true I'm not a very good painter. (not fishing for compliments, my lecturers have said and everything)

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