
Pika Pika Cosplay Hat
Pika Pika Cosplay Hat by @Dead_Rabbit (Simone)

I made this!

it was a request that I should make a pikachu hat. So I did ^_^ I think it turned out great!!!!!

I hope you enjoy it as well ^_~

I went though many different rough drafts and prototypes before this final version was made. I believe it took me approximately 1 day of planning different ways and to draw out patterns to experiment with. Then 1 day of experimenting and then 4 hours to make the final hat ^_^

this hat required allot of hand sewn details. Allot of work goes into making something from scratch.

The hat actually turned out much different then I had planned. I had elaborate designs for a hat that covered most of the head and had great big pika ears. But in the end the simplest design prevailed and looked the best.

This hat was made with Fine super soft alpine fleece, Felt for the face details. And the hat is lined inside with a Poly Cotton fabric.

I plan to make a Jurachi hat next!




Finished Work
19y8d ago
Other Work By @Dead_Rabbit

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