
Harley Quinn Style Fleece Hat
Harley Quinn Style Fleece Hat by @Dead_Rabbit (Simone)

This Hat took me Hours to make!!!! O_O but it was worth it!! (I made mine a bit big so it would have a bit of a baggy look on me,

But you can get a more form fitting one at my shop! http://www.niwebmall.com

I Love Harley!!!!!! thus my nick name! lol

The hat is made with red and black soft alpine fleece and lined inside with red satin!

The lil'jester things are stuffed cones of fleece and were time consuming to make and attach to the hat!

The pom poms are stuffed white fleece!

I actually had to do quite a bit of hand sewing with this hat it was about 70-75% machine and 20-25% hand sewn. Which made it take a while to make.

This particular hat was made to modle for the picture at E-bay and E-bay has been giving me allot of trouble and even cancled some of my auctions so I made it a Harleen Quinzel Style hat and had the color combination a little diffrent and so far E-bay hasn't complained yay

This is what I put in the discription:

"Since this is a "Harleen Quinzel Style Hat" You can request this hat in any color or any color combination Please E-mail for details!"



Finished Work
19y103d ago
Other Work By @Dead_Rabbit

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 23 February, 2005 @ 10:57 AM

Neat Hat! My sister can sew like that and my daughter too. but not me..........Good luck with futur project.....nice to see what you look like. shirley

Posted: Wednesday, 23 February, 2005 @ 01:30 PM

I love this hat! I think it's really awesome, and I would definetly love to own one... I gotta save my money, though. I'm really impressed with how neat you've made it--it seriously looks professional! This is definetly an amazing project and I am really impressed. Keep up the good work!

Posted: Thursday, 24 February, 2005 @ 03:52 PM

That is really really good! It looks just like it. Not that you care or anything but this guy on here Shawn has a hat almost exactly like that which he wears like everyday but it's black and white. You should go check out the pic I drew of him wearing it at my gallery. Until then keep up the great work! I wish I had a hat like that :(

Posted: Thursday, 24 February, 2005 @ 07:36 PM

thats cool! i kind of have a hat like that...just black and white like joelle said..and yea im shawn ! moo! you should check out my art thingys...you dont have to but yea many ppl think most of them are funny lol! your hat is awesome!

Posted: Friday, 25 February, 2005 @ 01:44 PM

WOW!!!! That is a very very nice hat!!!!!!!! Very nicely done too!!!!!!

Very amazing fabric work~

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