Silver Pixi

Yun Wyn
Yun Wyn by @pixieangel (Silver Pixi)

^_^ My friends and I do a Saiyuki RP when we're signed onto MSN messenger- kind of a self insert anything goes type thing.

So in the RP I used to have this giant white cat named Wyn (which means white, blessed, or fair)- he was a gift from dear sweet Hakkai and ended up growing to be about 16 hands high (think of a really big horse o.o). However, some tragedy fell and my kitty died...:(

But lo! As Gojyo and Goku went to dinner that very night, they were watched by a young boy of seven or eight years, with blond hair and blue eyes wearing a blue and silver collar around his neck. He was innocent looking...but bore a chakra upon his forehead...

He told Goku and Gojyo (whom he called by name, by the way) that he was searching for his mommy and daddy- that they were sad he was gone- and so deciding that they'd help him, Gojyo and Goku plan on bringing the kid to Sanzo to figure out what to make of him.

^_^ Well it turns out the kid's name is Yun Wyn (White wind, blessed wind, fair wind) and yes- he's actually my kitty brought back to life- only he was never really a kitty to begin with!!

He was a send by the Merciful Goddess- Yun Wyn, child god of the Skies- his mission...well grins that's a secret ^_^ In any case- this is what he looks like....

I didn't know if it should be considered fan art or not, seeing as how he IS MY own character...just placed and drawn Saiyuki style!!

Finished Work
20y83d ago
Other Work By @pixieangel

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