@pixieangel || Profile
Silver Pixi

@pixieangel (Silver Pixi)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
08 September, 2003
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
01 April, 1984
pixieangel turned 40 this year.
Illinois, Unspecified
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Mae govannen, thanks for popping in to visit ^^ The name is Pixieangel, but you can call me Pixie for short- I'm 19 years old, going on 20 in April (ugh, what an old lady, right?) and I'm an April Fool's Baby which might just be the reason of my strangeness! I've been drawing for a long time, since I could figure out how to make shapes anyhow, and on top of that I really like writing stories and creating new worlds and whatnot- something all kids do before most of them grow out of that stage. Me, I think I got held back :S Anyhow, most of my inspiration comes from Tolkien and the fantasy books I read (right now I'm on Garth Nix, Tolkien, and a James Clemen kick), and of course stuff from my own head. I love anime, which is what most of my work is based off of, but given enough patience and when the moon is properly aligned with Venus, I can do realism. ^^ So, take a look around, enjoy what's here, and come again!

By the way, if in fact you think you'd like me to do a request picture or a commission, I'd be more than happy to do one for you, considering that its within my skill to do so. So please, send a private message, an e-mail, or mention it in a comment and I'll consider it ^__^


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