Liz Ramirez

New Character -
New Character - "Ana" by @LizSama (Liz Ramirez)

It took me forever to decide on a way to develope this character, i had redesigned Sonya's background story and Ana here is a big part of her creation. Er, i'm tired and not feeling so good, so i'll just copy and paste a bit of her story from Sonya's bio (Not the crappy one on here, the one thats 15+ pages and going, private too..shh don't ask.):

Ana was a nobility in Mobotropolis before Robotnik had overthrown it. Born into a wealthy and honorable family, Ana and her brother Charles had little problems gaining the knowledge and training they needed to assist their kingdom in the war against the humans. Ana became exceptionally popular and was well known for her fighting skills and the desire she had to make a peaceful end with the humans. It was because of this that she was made one of the few Council Members the king had in his command.

However despite her peaceful efforts and abundance of respect, She had gained enemies in very bad places, amongst them was Warlord Kodos (Included only for the sake of having Julian be more then just one Warlord), Warlord Julian and the Magician Nagus. Each had their own reasons for disliking her: Warlord Kodos despised her peaceful and strategic tactics that minimized casulties on both ends. Nagus found her knowledge of ancient lore and mysterious almost magical skills to be a threat to his apparent singularity in the skills of magi, and Robotnik didn't so much as feel threatened by her.. but rather annoyed. She was a close lip to the ears of the King, and this could simply not be. Many 'recommended' advisements that King Acorn got from Julian were disacknowledged by Ana's will when she offered a better plan. When a planned attack on a nearby Kingdom filled with innocent humans was put to a hault by Ana, thousands of lives were spared on both ends. But to three, valuable assets and command footing was lost. Julian decided that enough was enough, with the help of Nagus and Kodos the three of them framed Ana for Crimes Against The Crown. She was sent to Ironlock, and was supposedly never heard from again by the disbelieving public.

But that's not how the story ends for Ana. When Julian disliked you for as long as he had her, you don't simply fade away into nothingness.. you suffer for your insolence. Where do those who land up in Ironlock go? They go through dark and inhuman acts of testing. Those in Ironlock are never heard from again because they rarely survive their first week therein, Ana knew this... but all she could do was wait, wait for those she knew sent her here. So many had been subjected to the whims of Nagus, Kodos and Julian, but the experiment that she would be subjected to would be one that changed the world: she would bare the Ultimate Weapon of human and mobian combined.

[Insert gap because thats part of another bio Liz is working on.]

Ana died during the birth of her two children. The last she saw was her young son being held by her brother, and being ushered out, then another sharp pain..followed by the cry of another child, and the soft dark laugh of Julian.

w00, yeah. I am such a lam0rz because i don't like Bernie and Jules right? Yeah ok, thats fine n'dandy for you to think.. It's a personal storyline after all, and i have just as much of a right to fling poop on the net as you!

sob ... ::runs off crying::

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Liz Ramirez

Finished Work
21y237d ago
Other Work By @LizSama

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 16 October, 2002 @ 10:05 PM

Awwww sissy you good at coloring! you da master when it comes to cel coloring!! I try and do it that way and have no clue at all where to stick the shading x.x

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