Ana Leistner

Lunar Dragon
Lunar Dragon by @phantom_mint (Ana Leistner)

Mechanical pencil on sketchbook paper, Photoshop 5.

Aquarius, a young dragon-girl from a lunar land. Her hair was originally a bluish-violet, but she dyed it red as a sign of rebellion against the others of her kind and her status.

... Not very original, but ah well. She's fun to draw, at any rate, though her eyes seem to have a weird "spaced out/non-focused" look to them.

Mature (N)
Finished Work
20y211d ago
Other Work By @phantom_mint

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 10 November, 2003 @ 04:54 PM

I think she is absolutely adorable. I love her expression--her eyes are a little wide spaced, but its not to the point where it seems off at all--it just makes her look that much cuter. Her lips are really cute, too. The coloring is very nice--the wingish type look so beautiful. I really like her tail--it fits in with her so well. The outfit (or lack thereof) is really cool and creative as well. Keep it up, mmkay?

Posted: Tuesday, 11 November, 2003 @ 02:10 AM

Wow, thank you! ^^ I'll definately keep it up!

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