Carmen Bugh

Hope this makes you feel better
Hope this makes you feel better by @carmbugh (Carmen Bugh)

I FIXED IT!! It looks a little better now....

I did this picture especially for you Julie. When ya told me about your accounts getting frozen, I decided to draw you a picture to make you feel better. Well, you told me that one of your favorite characters is Ethan, so I did the picture of him. I did my best to make it look like Ethan, which I think you should be the judge as to whether or not it really looks like him or not. I really hope you like it. Also, I'd like to thank you for the picture that you drew for me. That was really nice of you to set everything else aside to draw a picture just for me. Thank you for being there Julie, it means a lot. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Carmen Bugh

Finished Work
21y203d ago
Other Work By @carmbugh

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 16 November, 2002 @ 09:42 PM

Awesome! Thanx so much Carmen. You rock! I think it resembles him yeah. ^^ Just some minor artistic things to point out... ^_~ I haven't critiqued you in awhile.. hehe.. his shoulder blades are a little too round. Think of shoulder blades as more like triangles.. like right triangles.. lol. And his shoulders and biceps are a little too 'bubbily' they should be more sculpted. His tail is also a little too low. Other than that babe, tis cool! Thanx heeps! It does make me feel better! huggles

Posted: Saturday, 16 November, 2002 @ 11:35 PM

Smiles at Julie I was hoping it would make you feel better. I really tried my hardest on this picture. I'm glad you like it too. I'm not good at drawing arms from the back.... it's just.. weird, lol. Anywho, thankies for leaving a comment ^^

Posted: Monday, 18 November, 2002 @ 04:12 AM

The is an awasome pic. I really like it. I don't think it looks weird. Its nice. I like julie young's art too. I hope to be a good friend to you. I saw this pic that julie young drew of you upset bout something but i don't know what, i just hope you feel better. ^_^

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