Nanashi Nanashi

Teach me something
Teach me something by @koustake (Nanashi Nanashi)

Seto and mah yugiou chara Umei! this is long into their past when umei didn't know how to duel and seto teaches her! mwahahaha, but when he placed his hand on her shoulder she gets all blushy wushy! and when she blushes she gets all defensive and will attack with hysterical laughter! mwahaha

Finished Work
20y112d ago
Other Work By @koustake

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 17 February, 2004 @ 10:09 PM

This is absolutely adorable! You've captured the bashful and surprised expression of a girl near her first crush so very well. I like how having his eyes obscured makes him seem so much more knowing and confident than she is.

I really like her character design. She has such cute hair, and the headband and off-the-shoulder sweater give this image an almost 80's feel. Very cute.

Hmm, however, if you drew his arm holding the cards in towards her a little more, not only would that re-emphasize the feeling of him hitting on her, but it would also show that he is trying to teach her Duel Monsters by showing her the different cards. It's a cute idea--it's nice to see Seto portrayed as something other than the untouchable master duelist.

Posted: Wednesday, 18 February, 2004 @ 01:39 AM

Thank you so much for your compliments and constructive critisms! i love how you give suggests as well, something different than just compliments all the time!

You even noticed the 80s hidden in my character! i love the 80s and all, lol

And i think i will do another picture like this how you said, it sounds more impacting the way you put it. thanks a bunch! ^_~

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