
Pocus by @Shadowwolf (Shaddie)

Jeeeez, I finally drew a picture!!!!!!!!!! o: Wow. Yeh, this was a Furcadia request, his name is Pocus. He's a necromancer, and his icon sign thing is 13. So that's why there be a giant 13 there. Kay, to explain a few things in the picture. He is a -fox- not a wolf, a -fox-. Note the long tail and pointy ears and small paws. And he's wearing the skull of an impala on his head. Yeah, I donno...how that would work, but I guess the idea would work out something like how pokemon once known as Cubone pulled it off. Ahhhk gets attacked by pokemon haters. He's also got some unfortunate fellow's intestine wrapped around his back leg there o0; With a pup's skull dragging along with it. And he has glowy black eyes. Yep. Necromancer. I'm actually pretty proud of this one, I'm not good at drawing skulls, but I think I made these two okay ^^; I'm more proud of the background unfortunately rather than the actual subject, however... Ah well. I hope I got the colors right? Wheeeeee, the person who owns this char/knows who owns the char, please speak up n' tell me! o:

Teen (V)
20y18d ago
Other Work By @Shadowwolf

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 27 April, 2004 @ 12:35 PM

Hehe XP He's an interesting foxy. I love the color scheme in the background, and the little impala skull does go nicely upon his head there. I love the movment of his foremost hind leg, it really looks so nice and flowing. =D I hope the person this is for likes it. -Raz

Posted: Saturday, 26 June, 2004 @ 06:37 PM

Pretty eirey pic. I suppose that was the intention. You did a good job with the atomosphere of it. I wouldn't've bothered to ask about the 13, as it's supposed to be associated with bad stuff, anyway. I like the rays of light that are coming towards the foreground. I can tell that there's other stuff in the BG, other than the 13, the name, and the copyright info that's imbedded back there. If there's something that's back there that's supposed to be reminecent of the past or whatever, it'd have to be a little bit more outstanding, if you understand. If that is not the case, and images back there are mostly intended to make the pic look more interesting and/or fill negative space, I'd suggest you blur the one above the right shoulder just a bit more, as it's distracting. I like the light in general that's in the pic, and the circular ethereality that's there too. Onto the foreground. The pose of the fox is very believable particularly the way the hind paws are. The stature and build is good. I like the way you were able to manage the hair pattern under all the blood. Do you have a trick for that or a filter? (the hair effect, that is) I like the shaggyness of the fur, that can be hard to do sometimes without overdoing it. I love the way you animated the horns, they look really convincing. The skull and bonework you did is good, nice cracks and worn-ness. I love the eyes, they're just hard enough to see yet still visible - good job with that. The only other complaint that I have is that the ears look a little purple as compaired to the both dull and sharp reds of the rest of the pic. Questions- So, how much time did the animating take? How many layers did you use? (if not just one) Is this char supposed to drag around this skull all the time, or is it just kind of a temporary thing?

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