Kris Kitchens

I said I would draw it..
I said I would draw it.. by @Spug (Kris Kitchens)

And I did. This is probably the first Lilo N Stitch Slash out there. XD! Pleakley and Jumba make a cute couple. ^^ I siad I would draw it.. and I did. hehehe.. FLAME ME XD!

Teen (O)
Finished Work
21y347d ago
Other Work By @Spug

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 27 June, 2002 @ 12:17 AM

Flame you? Why? This is the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. Well, next to the "Super Alien Bros." pic I'm planning, but I can't brag because I haven't even started drawing it yet. Oo It takes guts to slash Disney, guts I admire you for!

Posted: Thursday, 27 June, 2002 @ 04:50 AM

^_^;; eeesh. This is probably the first time I ever said this, being the freak I am... But you are one strange person! -Jooki httop://www.side7.com/art/krisupdi

Posted: Friday, 28 June, 2002 @ 08:53 AM

Hey - thanks for the link to your archive. This is so cute! You know, I never really meant my pic to be slashy, but now that I think about it, it does look that way, eh? lol. Anyway, thanks for the reveiw - and now I'm returning the favor. ^_^

Posted: Friday, 20 September, 2002 @ 01:30 PM

I would flame you, but it's soooo darn cute!!!! merf Pleakley rox!


Posted: Thursday, 12 December, 2002 @ 10:56 AM

I love your art. It's waaaaaaay better than any Lilo and Stitch fanart I've ever seen. And this pic is sooooo kawaii!!!! I love it!!!!!! ^.^

P.S. Can u tell I'm a little yaoi-fan girl? I thought so...

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