Carmen Bugh

Angelic Were
Angelic Were by @carmbugh (Carmen Bugh)

This is my first attempt to draw a were, so dun laugh. It's nothing too special, but I did spend 5 1/2 hours on it today. It's a picture of my Furcadia femme. I named her after my anthro lupess Salinas Valley, though on there, her name is Salina Valley. This picture was inspired by a pic done by Odduckoasis, aka, Julie Young. I needed some guide lines because, like I said, this is my first were. I don't know if I'm too happy with it, and I know there are errors, but I still somewhat enjoy it. Simple bg, but meh... I like it.

There's a better and larger verions here: http://www.deviantart.com/view/2156214

Teen (N)
Finished Work
20y360d ago
Other Work By @carmbugh

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 16 June, 2003 @ 06:08 PM

Hmm i love her eyes they are so inncoent looking. Fur is bugging me a bit tho i have no idea why cause in my head it says there really isn't any reason it should be but it is...hmm...her hands/paws the gap between the umm thumb and finger seem a bit big but it might just be the angle of it cause know that i am looking at it again it really isnt that bad, also shouldnt be talking hands and paws give me such problems sometimes. I cant find anything to bad with it and it is your first time drawing were...so it looks nice i'm gonna look to see if i can really find out what was bugging me. lol

Posted: Saturday, 21 June, 2003 @ 04:38 AM

Whoo, awesome pic! I like the BG too, pity I can't colour that well on a 'puter, I gotta do it by hand :p The clothes, body and position are real good. I don't mean to be critical or nothin' but the face needs to be more...wolfy. Ya, wolfy is the word. Well anyways, its a cool pic. See ya!

Posted: Saturday, 20 December, 2003 @ 08:44 PM

So cool! I really like the texture and the face and the claws! Please do more. But are you friends with Julie Young?

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