
Long ago, six nations lived in harmony. They were the nations of Mammos, Reptizar, Aviatorre, Hydronel, Arthrodu, and Amphite. The lands were full and the people bustled. Every man, woman, and child had the power to turn into a creature, any creature but always one creature, except for a being called the Manifester. The creature forms varied in the thousands, but your nation decided your lineage based on six categories. The Manifester, however, could shapeshift into any creature he or she wanted, and every time he or she died, he or she would reincarnate into the next Manifestor.

One day, war broke out. The people of Mammos began calling themselves the masters of the world, as the natural forms of the inhabitants of the world descended from the precursors of their Mammos forms. They began their war waging an assault on the inhabitants of Hydronel. The Manifestor, a young member of the Aviatorre at the time, had been in migration at the time, and came back to find his village, his species group known, annihilated. The village of the dodo bird was destroyed, and now he must set out with tagalong friends to set things right and learn how to be every other animal.

Warning, this series contains animal violence. You may want to read it with your eyes closed for some parts.

Legend of the Manifestor (intro) by @chaseawaythedark

This is my intro for my series Legend of the Manifestor. If the plot sounds similar to you, don't worry, it will diverge greatly over time. Even Harry Potter was based on The Worst Witch.

Finished Work
1y145d ago
Other Work By @chaseawaythedark

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Monday, 21 August, 2023 @ 04:56 AM
Rating: 5

Great intro!

Posted: Monday, 21 August, 2023 @ 07:46 PM
Rating: 5

@VerseOfDreams: Thanks. I didn't know this submission finally worked.

Posted: Monday, 21 August, 2023 @ 08:30 PM

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