Sabrina A Thomas

Kitten in a Flower Pot
Kitten in a Flower Pot by @Hippy_of_Doom (Sabrina A Thomas)

Decided to draw this picture I found in a kitten calendar. The kitten is originally Ginger.

20y92d ago
Other Work By @Hippy_of_Doom

Comments & Critiques (4)

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Posted: Thursday, 18 March, 2004 @ 05:09 PM

this is so cute!! the shadings awsome and the pot, i think, is really bravely shaded. i no whan im doing real-life sketches im always afraid of shading the whole object incase i loose the shadowing. you kept it really well! bravo! the kitten's adorable. and this may not come across right, but kittens always do have a really slight cross eyed quality to them . i think u noticed that in the pic and really subtly put it across. WELL DONE!!!!!!!

keep up the good work. pippileeXx x

Posted: Thursday, 18 March, 2004 @ 05:43 PM

Thank you for such a nice comment! I sorta know what you mean about the cross eyed thing... eye's are just generally horrible!


Posted: Thursday, 01 April, 2004 @ 03:42 PM

The eyes are a little off, but the fur is very well rendered. It looks so soft!

Posted: Thursday, 01 April, 2004 @ 04:15 PM

Thanks. The eyes really annoy me now, because i looked at the picture I copied it from recently, and the eyes are weird like that... maybe less emphasised... but when you try and draw it... grrr:/

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