Aeryn Avalon

City Nights
City Nights by @aeryaval (Aeryn Avalon)

'Lara clung to the fence that separated her from the human world, watching the sun set behind the city silhouetted in the distance. The red sky slowly deepened to purple, making the black spires of the buildings look like paper cutouts pasted onto a watercolor painting. For the people in that city, going home to warm dinners in their expensive cars, they day was drawing to a close. But the night was Lara's glory, and her day was just dawning.' This is Lara, once again. My very first attempt at computer coloring! Let me tell you,people who say computer art isn't 'real' art because it's artificial or too easy to do....it is not in the least easy. This took me several hours, laboring away with my mouse in Photostudio (I have neither a wacom tablet or Photoshop, I have only an eight-year old mouse that sticks and a program with limited options). Still< I think this turned out fairly well. The background looks rather fake, but I did that in a bit of a hurry because I just wanted to be DONE. I had to mask off each area of this picture separately in order to paint it-including the irises of the eyes, and the lips, and EVERY FREAKING LINK in that fence had to be masked off so I could put in the background. I drew this first in Micron pen, then scanned it and colored it. Anyway, I hope my labors paid off. Enjoy!

Finished Work
19y232d ago
Other Work By @aeryaval

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 17 September, 2004 @ 08:22 PM

Wow. I am seriously so impressed with how this image turned out. I really, REALLY love the colors in the background. As for it not being detailed enough, I think that it would have distracted from the girl, Lara. I didn't realise you'd drawn her before... am I out of it or somethin?

I love her clothing. You know that. Heheh, I don't know why I'm commenting here when I'll just gush about this pic to you later...

Yeah, you need a new computer and photoshop, so you can get rid of all those annoying little white spots from areas that are a little distracting. I know you did an awesome job with the program you had!

And the lighting is superb! I love the yellow, golden light you used. It really shows a sunset (though perhaps with the bright pink you used, a pink light would be better?) Anyways, great image. YOu know it. :)

Posted: Saturday, 18 September, 2004 @ 03:25 PM

It does look really good. I like the clothes and the colors. One thing is the fence and all the little touch-ups that should be done. I realize that after taking so long on a picture that the little touch-ups just are too much to deal with, but it does massively improve the quality of the picture. As far as the fence goes, it looks really odd with all of the dots where the chain connects.

Hehe, I DO think computer drawing is real art, however it is pretty easy. I draw a lot freehanded with my mouse in Paint and I think it's a lot of fun.^_^ I recently got Photoshop AND a tablet so I'm pretty much just doing computer art now.

Anyways, this picture does look really good, and the more you use your mouse the more you'll fall in love with it. I go back and forth whether I prefer my mouse or my tablet. I got so used to mouse drawing that it looks much better than with the wacom. Lol, my point being that you should keep working with it because you have a TON of potential and the more you do it the better you'll get!!!

Posted: Sunday, 19 September, 2004 @ 07:26 PM

Thank you so much! Yeah, I realize there are a lot oflittle white spots but I couldn't figure out how to get rid of those and make them blend into the background using the program I have. It's hard to get the colors to match, y'know? Anyway, I"m glad you like it, and thanks for commenting!

Posted: Sunday, 19 September, 2004 @ 06:42 AM

Very nicely done, This is very nice, especially considering you did it in a limited program. The drawing itself, is good, all proportions correct, and the coloring and shading is superb. great job XD

Sincerely, Ikaika

Posted: Sunday, 19 September, 2004 @ 07:27 PM

Thank you very much. I'm glad you like it ^_^

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