Sabrina A Thomas

Hatsumomo by @Hippy_of_Doom (Sabrina A Thomas)

This is a drawing of a photograph of Gong Li by Paolo Roversi for the promotion stuff for Memoirs of a Geisha in Vogue. This picture is really inaccurate, which is why I called it Hatsumomo, her character in the film, and not Gong Li. Listen to my cheesiness: I really liked this photograph because she has the same look an animal in the wild has when they realise a human is watching them, and that's something you don't really see in a person. Bit of trivia for you - Hatsumomo means first born peach. I haven't read the book, so that might have been explained or not, or completely inaccurate. If so blame, imdb.com message boards for their erroneous threads.

I was really half arsed in drawing this. It was done of a period of two weeks and despite all the detail in the kimono, it shouldn't have taken that long. Twas a really disjointed process. The shading on her face was really delicate, and I couldn't find the right balance on my scanner to have good contrast and soft shading. I also didn't bother that much with shine and direction on the fabric. I still like it though

  • 4B Derwent sketching pencils
  • 8B Mars Lumograph pencil
  • Crimson & Blake tortillion
  • Kneadable eraser
  • A4 paper

Can be found on my DeviantART account.

Finished Work
17y305d ago
Other Work By @Hippy_of_Doom

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 06 August, 2006 @ 03:49 PM

Oh my... I have so much to say I was almost not posting!!!! just great, have so much to say but absolutelly no words, shading, lightning, artwork, line art, face, clothing, expresion, naturality, everything, just awesome..... no remarks!

Posted: Wednesday, 01 August, 2007 @ 10:37 AM

Aww you are far too kind. Thank you so much (and again I'm very sorry for the lateness) :D

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