Mezz Delf

*snarl* mah feather?!
*snarl* mah feather?! by @yazzi (Mezz Delf)

This is just a killer (in a bad way) for light sources -NOTHING is warmly yellow toned at night...unless you emit your own light source....hmmm! yup that's it! its a gryphon crossed with a firefly! riiiiiiight I need to look at feathers, night colours etc. I already desaturated the colours in the darn thing and it's still not quuuuite right.

Finished Work
20y108d ago
Other Work By @yazzi

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 22 February, 2004 @ 02:36 AM

You know, with a little digital tweaking, though, you could make the light blue-ish. (I could try if you want me to)...

I love your craftsmanship on the patterned feathers. Your digital art is beginning to look a lot less mushy, and I really like that.

My main quibbles: The bright white li'l bits between the snarling griff's beak--I dunno WHAT those are. Drool? Teeth? Whatever they are, they just don't work for me.

The expression of the chars just doesn't come across as intense as they could. I could probably scribble you up a few examples. Pick up Gary Faigin's ARTIST'S GUIDE TO FACIAL EXPRESSIONS and study. STUDY STUDY STUDY.

Finally, cute li'l whitey bird just looks stiff/anatomically off, to me. But I can't really help you there, as I'm not that proficient than birds. Your wings on him are just darling, though.

Nice stuff, dear! Keeeeeep it up! {0-3

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