srom noname

by @srom (srom noname)

okay, there's a bit of a story to this one.

i lived on the top floor of an apartment building (standard freshman college housing whatnot) with two others, one of whom i shared a bedroom with. and out the very large windows you could see the windows of the building down the road very well.

and with about a month left of school, my roommates and i struck upon the harsh realization that seeing the window down the road could work vice-versa as well, and that whoever lived there was making full use of that fact. infact, there was a red light coming from one of those windows. after logical reasoning that i'm not willing to go into, we figured that the red light was pointed right at the window of my and my roomate's room.

that's right. a video camera. we called the police. yeah right: three teenage college girls talking to a stereotypically fat male policeman, of COURSE nothing was going to happen! (he actually said that the camera was LEGAL! massachussetts is SO STUPID!)

so. we got shades and curtains. and i hung this little number on the curtain, facing outside.

it was my own little way of dealing with it. o) i actually really like it. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Young-Wha Hung

Mature (LNV)
Finished Work
21y30d ago
Other Work By @srom

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 20 May, 2003 @ 03:52 PM

LOL, well, that's one way of dealing with voyeurs!!! And it's a pretty cool drawing, too. :D

Posted: Tuesday, 20 May, 2003 @ 09:10 PM

hey.... very nice

Posted: Sunday, 04 July, 2004 @ 12:43 AM

Applauds :D Nothing I like more than a good story with a cool resolution! Sounds exactly like what I would've done in a situation like that, so I definitely approve... LOL, I wonder what that pervert's reaction was to having this wicked little number plastered on their camera lens... >:3 Evil grin 'Tis creepy though, knowing that these people abuse their apartment residence status - just coz you're living high up, it doesn't give you the right to intrude on other peoples' space! Shakes fist Anyhow, good going, and this image would definitely deter anybody! Somehow, I can also see it on the back window of a car, aimed at people who tailgate... :D you could print it out and make it into a window sticker. ;)

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