
Too Young to Tango
Too Young to Tango by @lynne (Lynne)

Okay, I'm going to do my best to make this my last 'rant' about all the mess last night. I apologize to everyone for all of this, and especially, I apologize to Red and Meg.

Anyways.. I was inspired to draw this.. cuz Meg wrote a song and put it on dA, and called it Too Young to tango, and, it was a very nice song I thought... so then I drew this piccyture.

huggles for Meg and Red

Finished Work
20y114d ago
Other Work By @lynne

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 13 February, 2004 @ 10:33 PM

Too young to tango. 9.9; what was I thinking? XD sighs happily Just a bunch of garbage feelings thrown away in form of song to rid myself of them. I'm glad I wrote it though, otherwise I'd never be happy and cheery again. u.u and you all know that if Meg's not happy and cheery, she's really just not meg. XD 9.9; if that song causes anyone some blahness just read the above. it's just my way of progressing back to happyness. 9.9; why it's even still up there is a question to me. :D;; ah well, everyone else who knew nothing about the situation and commented liked it. Weirdos! :P blah! XD

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