Mezz Delf

Dingerii by @yazzi (Mezz Delf)

It's a Liger. I like the lighting in this one. For once I put the light where the sun direction is and put shadow properly over the character (well sort of....um). This is a trade with Lionscape by the way. I was looking at some real liger pics on the web, don'tcha think it's kinda cruel crossing species like that? Most end up infertile and are freaks, awwww

Finished Work
22y284d ago
Other Work By @yazzi

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 28 August, 2001 @ 09:17 PM

I like the colors on this one. I still say "MORE CONTRAST! MORE HIGHLIGHTS! MORE SHADOWS!" but you knew that. I'm not fond of the head. It lacks appeal, to me.

I think it'd be cool if somehow you could get more of the impression that the cat is lying on the grass...right now, it's like there's a bare-spot she's sitting on, with grass infront. Mebbe some implications that some grass under her is bending over, etc? Idunno.


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