Taryn Sanders

Sometimes you just need a shoulder... (IMPORTANT: READ IF YOU'RE EXPECTING ANY REQUESTS/ART TRADES FROM ME) by @tarysand (Taryn Sanders)

It's just been one of those months. Things are just not going well in my life at the moment, and it's times like this that I just wish I could have someone hold me while I cry, and let it all out until their shirt is totally drenched. Crying is all I seem to do lately. When I'm driving, when I'm at work, when I'm in my room, just about anytime I think no one's looking. And for no reason at all, nothing even sets me off. It's pretty pathetic. Hell, I think I'm about to cry right now. I hate my job, my life is going nowhere, and I feel like no one in the world cares at all about anything I do. And just when things couldn't get ANY worse, our computer had to be reset, so all my art, fanfics, writing, pictures, and art programs... Gone. Everything I've worked so hard on completely deleted. Great, huh? And with all my art programs gone, I can't do any new CG pictures. I tried to get them back too, but big fat surprise, I couldn't re-download them. Gee, the world sure is a peachy place, idn't it? I just needed someone to cry on, and anyone who knows my art knows that the guy in the picture is Johnny Grey, a character I created. When I made him up, I made him to really be my ideal guy, so who better to get a hug from when I'm feeling down? Too bad there's no one in REAL life who gives a rat. I have to settle for a guy I created in my imagination. I'm sorry everyone -- I didn't even want to mention this, but I thought I might feel better if I got it all out. Can't say I feel better, just kind of embarrassed. I don't know, I just thought maybe all of you should know --*
Just lately however, a good thing DID happen... my amazing, wonderful, incredible, awesomely fantastical friend, Tez aka. Charla Andrus offered to send me Photoshop 7 on CD. So once I figure out how to work that, I'll get working on requests/trades again. I thought I'd have to retire from doing Invader ZIM fanart and requests and stuff, and honestly, I this close to posting the next picture on Side 7 and announcing it as my last, at least til I got a new CG-ing program. Thank whatever ultimate power lies out there for Tez, and I don't know how in the world I'll ever even begin to thank her ^^ Still, until then, all you who're expecting art trades/requests from me will have to be even more patient, and not just cause of that, but I've got a crappy, misery-inducing job now, so I've got even less time to sit and draw. I appologize greatly for making everyone wait so long, and I just want to thank everyone who likes my art and encourages me to keep going with it and comments on my pics all the time. You make me feel like maybe my life ISN'T worth nothing.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Taryn Sanders

21y264d ago
Other Work By @tarysand

Comments & Critiques (29)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 24 August, 2002 @ 04:16 PM

Just because you can't post any art doesn't make you less amazing than you really are! You'll get back on your feet, and be wonderful again, just give it some time. I hate to sound like some cheesy TV evangelist, but the sun's always shining behind the clouds. HUGS!!!

Posted: Saturday, 24 August, 2002 @ 07:00 PM

Hey, Taryn.

I know we don't really know each other, but I can understand where you're at; I have a miserable job too, and I've been at rock bottom in life several times. It happens to everybody, even the best of us. I'm not just saying this 'cause I'm a nice person... though I am... but I want you to know that you're really not alone, even when it looks like you are. And yet, here I am, possibly hundreds of miles from you (I'm in Philly, PA), trying to comfort you through my computer.... Eh... well...


Please, do not feel like this is the end of the world. You have an amazing talent, and you've already shown so much of it on this site alone. I hope that you can settle things in your personal life so that you may take this art talent of yours to a whole new- possibly professional- level. That way, we'll all be happy. Good luck to you.

...by the way... Johnny's really cute. You're a lucky girl. :)

Posted: Saturday, 24 August, 2002 @ 07:37 PM

-.- Oh...I'm so terrible when it comes to cheering people up, but I just felt I had to put something here...

Well, we all have those bad times, but you can stick it out. You're an awesome artist Taryn, probably the most talented I've seen on S7. I don't mind waiting for my request, I just hope you feel better soon ^_^

...hands you Dib cookie?

Posted: Saturday, 24 August, 2002 @ 08:21 PM

Hhmm... Cristin, Snodin and Des pretty much summed it all up, but it all holds true. You're strong enough to get through it all, I know you are.

Btw, Jhonny is pretty cute.

Posted: Saturday, 24 August, 2002 @ 10:02 PM

Hi. I can't even begin to accually figure out how to make you feel better, but I figure I'd give it a try. Okay, I'm really terrible at things like this, and I don't even really know you, but I'm going to try anyway. I'm sorry about all your things being deleted off of your computer. I'd send you something, but I don't have any art programs or anything. sigh Okay, that was terrible. I'm sorry. If in some strange way, that made you even slightly happy, or maybe even just a different emotion, I think I did my job. Umm... here. hands you magical cookie that morphs into what/whoever you want I like the picture, by the way.

Posted: Sunday, 25 August, 2002 @ 12:24 AM

Hey, I posted comments on your past piccies, and I really like your art. When I saw this, and read the announcement, I felt like I had to say something (even though I didn't request anything, I wanted to leave a comment). I'm not good at cheering people up but I hope you feel better soon. I know the world can be grim, but who knows? It might brighten up if you go out there and look really hard to find something that'll make your life brighter. Life CAN stink, but there are good times--you just gotta go lookin' for them or else they'll never come. Hope you're able to get any requests and art trades done, and hope that you'll feel a little better. ::Gives a cookie:: here. Have a cookie :)...told ya I wasn't good at this stuff. -_-

Posted: Sunday, 25 August, 2002 @ 05:26 AM

Nyaw, Taryn! Gives you a big hug I was wondering why you hadn't posted anything for a while. You poor thing! I've had my computer wiped a couple of times, and I know now desperately frustrating it can be. But, as pretty much every commenter before has said, when things are this bad, they can only get better, right?

And look on the bright side - You'll have a whole pile of cookies to cheer you up! Adds a cookie to the pile And good on ya, Tez. You're a really, really genuinely nice person to do something like that. Pats Tez on the back

One last thing Taryn - No matter how sucky things seem right now, you'll always have us (Your loyal reviewers and art-lurvers). And as one of these reviewers, I'd just like to say how great this pic is - Even without the help of spiffy art programs, you're still the most super-amazing artist I know. We luv ya! -=[Hazel]=-

Posted: Sunday, 25 August, 2002 @ 10:01 AM

Hey Taryn

I just read your message with this pic and my eyes are just welling up, i feel so useless stuck on the outside looking in on your feeling so miserable.It just seems at this point like the world's against you doesnt it? You look around and there's no way out, no other options, just the same monotamous day-in-day out insanity...please dont feel bad about your need to cry, its actually good for you. And yes, at times like this it feels like every time you reach out no one even knows you exist...and it really hurts. I'm sorry your mum wiped off all your beautiful artwork and everything else-God i know how that feels....a few months ago my computer died and I lost everything too!!! fanart, fanfiction, my programs, scripts for cartoons, emails, everything!!! if its any consolation I'm going through the exact same feeling of numbness as you are right now-i swear there are days its tiring just to be alive. That was super-nice however of Tez to help you out there by sending you photoshop 7 on CD so you wont have to give up doing CG pics-cos that would be a real shame, and if you're like me yknow drawing is like an escape from reality even if its only temporary yknow? and from all the supportive posts you've got because of speaking out i hope you feel less alone, and there are people who care for you, alot more than you'd think

It's a lovely, moving pic by the way...hopefully one day you'll run into a real life Johnny Grey of your own-stay the sweet, intelligent and wonderfully creative individual you are and you will find him, i promise ^.~

Take care hugs



Posted: Sunday, 25 August, 2002 @ 12:25 PM

:( such a sad story...you know..you are a great artist, and your life can't be worthless!...i mean, if you wanted you sould probley find a carrer in art. i'm sorry your programs are gone, my dad did that to me once, but i don't have much to worrie bout..if i had a good prodram i would sent it too, the only thing i have is paint and Picture it 2000...it's no better than a oekaki...well..hope you can download them somehow..

Posted: Sunday, 25 August, 2002 @ 01:43 PM

I think I've already told you through e-mail a couple times how Sorry I am to hear about what happened to your stuff and alla that. =( I'm REALLY sorry your feeling like this! If there's ANYTHING I can do to make you feel better just tell me and I'll do it! =)

Your are THE Best Artist that I know! I love all of your artwork! So nicely colored and all..! If it makes you feel any better I've been feeling sorta down in the dumps lately myself....Lotsa bad things happening here at home...The Stress is killing me.. o.x;...Ah well..Cheer up!! Were all behind ya! All of your Art/Review Fans and Friends!

Posted: Sunday, 25 August, 2002 @ 10:06 PM

Taryn if you were out to make me blush a few different shades of red you did it ^^ I'm not that great it was just a simple thing I wanted to do and Photoshop should be to you very soon I mailed it out friday so it shouldn't take very long to get there. I know how it is having those times where it seems like the worlds against you those times will pass thats the part of life that sucks the holes that suck you in and keep you there until you force your way out. I hope things get better for you, your not a person who diserves to be kept down. Once again I must thank you for just being who you are don't give up hope things will turn trust me!

Posted: Monday, 26 August, 2002 @ 02:42 AM

Aw, I'm sorry that things are going so rough for you recently...

Seriously, if you don't feel uncomfortable about it, you can feel free to email me and rant/complain/etc. I like to think of myself as someone who is willing and able to listen and give advice, and I will do what I can to help.

Don't worry about not getting the art trade/commission stuff done for a while (or even not getting it done at all). You shouldn't stress about net stuff that is essentially a hobby; there's enough of that in the real world.

I hope you feel better soon :)

Posted: Monday, 26 August, 2002 @ 04:42 AM

I'm absolutely no good at making people feel better, but I do know how it feels to feel thoroughly screwed up inside... We're all here for you! hugs

Posted: Monday, 26 August, 2002 @ 02:14 PM


I'd just like to say that I'm really sorry...my reply to your e-mail probably wasn't that helpful...I suppose I didn't really know what to say, until now. I know what it's like to feel like you feel. Like you've been smashed up inside, you just want to cry and never stop...and it seems like nobody can help you. I feel like that whenever I'm alone. Whenever I'm lying in bed at night and crying into my pillow because my parents blame my 'little upsets' on teen angst or my special needs. But whenever I feel that way, I always try to remember the people who DO care. The people like you. I have only a handful of friends, and all of them are hundreds or even thousands of miles away...and I still feel loved. So I'm sure you must feel very loved, since there are people from all over the United States, from Engaland, Australia, people who don't even know you that well...and all of them, including me, feel terrible to see someone as sweet, kind, and very talented as you in such pain. This is just about all I have to say right now...but I leave you with something an old friend of mine told me: "Good times don't come to an end. They're just delayed a bit."

I hope you feel better soon.


Posted: Tuesday, 27 August, 2002 @ 09:02 PM

Taryn, I'm so sorry to hear that your life is going kinda rough now, lately I've been kinda f***ed up too, so I know where your at. I've been crying a lot lately too and I know it sucks. I love your picture too. It's so realistic. I wish I could draw like you. Well, I hope you feel better soon. Snowpuppie

Posted: Wednesday, 28 August, 2002 @ 02:49 AM

I am too on the verge of tears just from reading that and all the other comments. I mean, geez! All your wonderful artwork and fics shot down by a stupid computer problem! That's happened to me too, but that's not saying I'm anywhere NEAR as talented as you are.

Uhm, anywho, there are TONS of people who have horrible stuff happen to them, and I'm sure many of them manage to find a way to make things better. And some of that is from help from their loyal friends (and viewers in this instance)!

Sure it's OK to cry, although I wish I wasn't the type of person who doesn't want anyone to see me do it. -.- You'll always have us to talk to tho! We're here to support you Taryn!! hugs (you can email me too if you feel like screaming and cussing and stuff. You know if find cussing amusing ~_^)

And kudos to Tez as well! applaudes

Posted: Wednesday, 28 August, 2002 @ 07:49 AM


Posted: Thursday, 29 August, 2002 @ 08:39 AM

With all the reveiws you've gotten for this image so far, I wondered if I should even bother. But then I realized if I put myself in your place, I'd want to hear as much comforting love and support as I could, so here I go.

You don't know who I am, but I've admired your artwork for a long, long time (or at least, since I discovered it at the beginning of the summer). And as I'm sure you can tell by now that there are a lot of other people who feel the same way. So don't ever stop. I mean, it's something you love to do, right? You have to stick with it, even when things get bad - heck, especially when things get bad. I find that when I'm upset, retreating into something I love really helps. I hope it's the same for you, and I really, really hope your life takes a turn for the better. You're in my prayers, Taryn. Good luck! ^_^

~Sam Lynn~

Posted: Friday, 30 August, 2002 @ 02:01 AM

I wub you Taryn!!

I hope that things look up for you, and if you ever need someone to talk to, I'd be willing to listen, although I'm not of that often any more... I'm sure that there are a lot more people that care about you than it seems.... and yeah. Feel better, and remember that I wish you much happiness and luck.

Posted: Friday, 30 August, 2002 @ 04:46 AM

Man, I know just how you feel. my life sux something chronic, no one understands me and i can't even get a job and earn enough money to visit my b/f in NY. I only got one friend here in the UK and she's busy a lot of the time. The only thing that keeps me sane is talking to myself and hanging out with all my imaginary friends. I've been crying a lot too so I know how you feel, like life's completely against you and there's nothing you can do about it. It must have been awful losing all your art programs. I got Paint Shop Pro 7 you can have, but it'd be too big to send via net anywho. I hope things get better for you. I'm sure they will. Everything changes. I'm hoping they'll get better for me too. Be happy ^_^....or at least try and above all never give up hope. That's what's kept me going.

Posted: Friday, 30 August, 2002 @ 07:28 PM

I'm sorry I hadn't left a reply earlier, its just I kept forgeting to push reply link ^^;

Anyway, if you've been feeling down, you're feeling down. If you don't want to draw for a while till you feel better, that is ok. I mean, you shouldn't be forced to draw. However, I don't think you should give it up! Taryn, you are an amazing artist! Don't stop just because of one little road block! I really love the way you draw, and you are great at it! Don't ever stop trying....never ever!

And about the computer thing? I HATE that! >_< I know exactly where you are coming from! When I reset my computer, I couldn't find the software for my PSP7!!! Luckily, I found the download, and I'm sure you can find yours, too. And about all the pictures? Well, I'm REALLY sorry about that. I hate when you lose all your files and stuff :( I try to back them all up, but sometimes I might forget some, but make sure to ALWAYS back up your stuff. I think it'll help if your mom ever does that again.

And now on the drawing: Fabulous as usual. ^_^ He DOES seem like just the right person to give you a hug, and I know what it feels like to need a hug. I've been really sad at night for some reason. First, I blow up at my parents for no reason, and then I go to my room and cry. I'm not sure why, because I don't think I have anything to be sad about, but it just happens. Andyway, Your anime style if beautiful and it reflects very well through this picture.

Thats all I have to say, unless there are any Dib fans intrested in a site I'm making. It's called Dib's Wonderful Site of Doom! There isn't much there yet, but I told Taryn about it (I'm not sure if I already sent it to you) before it was up, so here it is if you wanna see. Sorr if this is just a plug :P http://i-web.mechasinc.com/dwsod (I need to add a lot more stuff...)

Ok...um...make sure you keep on drawing, Taryn! Never give up, not matter how tough it can get. Remember that

Love, Nikki http://www.side7.com/art/nikkstar/

Posted: Saturday, 31 August, 2002 @ 06:43 PM

Taryn, I am so sorry we had to recover the computer and all of your wonderful artwork was lost. I wish there was something I could do for you. Just know that when I was younger my life sucked to(every teen's does)until November 6, 1982, the day I gave birth to you then my life was filled with joy you see I had the most beautiful child in the world who was and still is , funny, kind, sweet, talented, beautiful,and smart. Your Dad would be very proud of you, I know I am.

Love for eternity,


Posted: Saturday, 31 August, 2002 @ 08:47 PM

Sorry for not responding quicker, but I'm so sorry for what happened..I know I'd be devastated if something like that happened..x_x..I've just been so busy lately(Along with meeting and getting my pic with JV..^-^), I haven't had the time to come here..I'm sorry, and I hope everything turns out alright in the end, good luck Taryn. ~Julie

Posted: Monday, 02 September, 2002 @ 03:23 AM

....Just... hugs

Posted: Thursday, 05 September, 2002 @ 04:27 AM

I'm so sorry for you =( I know you already have photoshop back, and this is a little late, but think of it as a late... er, message ^^ Love the pic btw. Good luck in the future with your other probs.

  • eeks
Posted: Thursday, 05 September, 2002 @ 03:41 PM

OMJ! You poor thing! im horrible at cheering people up, but im going to TRY,ehem here it goes

No matter what happens, whether your computer dies again, something happens to a close family member,and other bad stuff happens, you will always have your art, your undying fanship from me and everyone else, that BIG pile of cookies that everyone is leaving you, puts Tak cookie pnto pile, you dont like her much so you can take great pleasure biting her head off ^.^ Zim, and other things that bring you joy

i hope that worked, if it didnt then im SO SORRY ! btw, Johnny looks like Dib, WHICH MEANS KAWAIIKAKE!ooh new word

Posted: Thursday, 05 September, 2002 @ 03:41 PM

OMJ! You poor thing! im horrible at cheering people up, but im going to TRY,ehem here it goes

No matter what happens, whether your computer dies again, something happens to a close family member,and other bad stuff happens, you will always have your art, your undying fanship from me and everyone else, that BIG pile of cookies that everyone is leaving you, puts Tak cookie pnto pile, you dont like her much so you can take great pleasure biting her head off ^.^ Zim, and other things that bring you joy

i hope that worked, if it didnt then im SO SORRY ! btw, Johnny looks like Dib, WHICH MEANS KAWAIIKAKE!ooh new word feel better

Posted: Saturday, 12 October, 2002 @ 09:33 AM

Sometimes, and at least once in a persons life, we all feel as if we are the world's doormat, with everyone walking on us. However, we must always remember that this can never be eternal. I feel for you, Taryn, even if i don't know you personally...:3 I really hope you feel better!


Posted: Saturday, 02 November, 2002 @ 01:03 PM

Aww, Taryn! Don't be sad, there are...wow, lookit, over 30 people who care about you! And I care about you 'cause...well, you're just spiffy, in my opinion. Ever since I read 'Dib in Wonderland' I was like "Wow! This girl is so cool, I wanna be friends with her!" just 'cause you're spiffy like that. Hmm, lookit how long this comment is getting. Oh well, I keep going. Go, Sinne, go!

Taryn, you are one of my idols! I only have - counts - Five idols. That's you, Jhonen, Roman, Dan (don't ask who), and Garth Nix. If there's any way I can help in making you feel better, please tell me, I hate seeing people sad.

  • offers tissue -

~ Sinne

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