Allison Theus

-TacklePounce- by @beastofoblivion (Allison Theus)

Shoon and his girl/mate Katari.

The lineart has been sitting on my computer since end of February, but it took me a ridiculously long time to color because I never had time to sit down and do the whole thing. A layer here, layer there.... aaand over a month later 'oh look, it's kinda done.'

Anyways, I heart the lineart (looks AWESOME in my sketchbook!) but not so much the coloring. Wanted to give cell shading a shot at something more complex then I usually use it for, but might recolor it in a different style since I couldn't get what I wanted. :-/

Photoshop goodness.

Artwork © Allison Theus Shoon, Katari, and the Lockjaw species ©/TM Allison Theus

Finished Work
19y61d ago
Other Work By @beastofoblivion

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 13 April, 2005 @ 05:44 AM

Cute and seexy! I like how you can see just a tiny bit on Katari's tongue :D Awww... Lockjaw kisses.

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