Tare Fortier

Silent Soldier
Silent Soldier by @twinblades (Tare Fortier)

Sailor Saturn, the silent soldier I'm quite pleased with how she came out And I hope everyone else likes it too ^_^

my friend Maheera suggested I do a drawing of Saturn, so I did it for yew, hon X3

Sailor Saturn; Tomoe Hotaru © Naoko Takeuchi

Finished Work
19y215d ago
Other Work By @twinblades

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 04 November, 2004 @ 06:36 PM

I like her pose--it captures her silence (as you titled it!) very well. Saturn was always a strange character to me, far too old for her age. ... if that made sense. The coloring is also pretty nice on this one, but the white background is overly white, which is slightly distracting. If you give it even the slightest tint, it can really make her seem much more 3-D, and will make the nice shading you have on her white outfit stand out a lot more.

Posted: Thursday, 04 November, 2004 @ 06:41 PM

hmm I agree I see what you mean

how would I go about updating the image on here withut deleting all the comments?

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