Elli Gibbs

She's... kinda... freaky.
She's... kinda... freaky. by @Biscuits (Elli Gibbs)

This weird, slimy squid-lady was drawn in the dark, at my cousin's house, while we were watching "The Butterfly Effect". Uh... there isn't much else to say. The shading coulda been darker, but I was afraid to ruin it, y'know? Anyway, she's scary.

I actually do like calimari.

19y323d ago
Other Work By @Biscuits

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 19 July, 2004 @ 07:46 PM

Creepy. :D Nice work on the positioning of all those limbs, and I like the crosshatching as well. This could look good finished.

Posted: Tuesday, 20 July, 2004 @ 09:53 PM

Ah, thank you. I found her quite pleasantly creepy, my self. As far as finishing it goes, I don't think I can. My penned stuff comes out with sub par coloring as it is, and I don't even hafta worry about all those lovely pencil lines in there, y'know? I dunno; if you or anyone else wants to try and color her, be my guest. I just wanna see it if anyone ever does. ^_^ --L~.^

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