
Trying on Mom's Makeup
Trying on Mom's Makeup by @smarle (Staci/Nadia)

My submission for the third round of RPGamer's OmniArt competition! The theme was to draw RPG characters as kids doing kid stuff. I had a really cool idea involving Angela and the Crimson Lotus Magician that came from a fanfic that I still haven't written, but the rules were that the kid characters had to be at least half their in-game ages, so I came up with a new idea which you now see before you. Angela, around 8 years old, trying on her mother's makeup and jewelry, and getting caught in the process... I remember trying on my mom's makeup and clothes when I was little, LOL...

I really didn't want this to be a last minute picture like my previous entry ("Summon Mana", which you can see below), and I doodled out the idea fairly early, but a visit from my best friend and being sick for over a week and a half kind of killed that idea. In fact, this wound up being even MORE last minute... ^^;;; The day this was due, I spent 14 hours (minus an hour and a half for breaks) in front of the computer doing most of the CGing... ^^;;;;; Now that I know I can do it, I never want to again, LOL...

The drawing itself came out pretty well, and I didn't have much editting to do, thankfully, though the mirror frame and table were added in Photoshop. I probably could've colored this with markers and saved myself the hassle of a quickie CG, but my eraser is rather crappy and the lineart wound up kind of messy because of it, so I thought CGing would be cleaner... ^^;;;;;

The CG, as I already said, was a quickie. I tried not to spend TOO much time on each color and layer, but some things still took a while, namely the hair. I would've liked more detail in the hair, but that was the best I could do with the time I had... ^^;;;

There are definitely mistakes in the picture, but I do like how this came out. The composition turned out really well, and I particularly like the coloring of Angela's blouse. It's not perfect or overly detailed, but it still has a nice little charm to it...

Finished Work
19y43d ago
Other Work By @smarle

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 14 April, 2005 @ 08:48 AM

I have to say, Nadia, a mirror for this is one of your more brilliant ideas. It's ideal for the pose you want and suits perfectly with the image.

The expressions are fantastic (and cute as always) and I like how the dress spreads over the dresser/bureau/vanity/thing.

I think the only thing that stands out as odd in this image is Angela's left arm. Yes, human arms bend that way, and I've seen people do it, but from the look of it, she's pushing herself straight up instead of leaning forward. I'm not quite sure how to address it, but a couple possible ideas might be foreshortening, giving it a slight angle, or possibly just playing with the shading. Sometimes you do some interesting (and great) things with shading that I wouldn't think of - like the little bit on her lower lip that defines the puckering.

I can't think of anything else I wanted to say about the image itself, but I want to congratulate you on all the effort you put into the project. 14 straight hours of CGing has to be pretty harsh!

Posted: Thursday, 14 April, 2005 @ 11:12 PM

Thanks! =3 The mirror seemed the most plausible viewpoint for the picture...

Oh, my gosh, you're right... ^^;; Her arm IS supposed to be straight, but it should be much more forward on the table, because she's leaning on it, and it should be under the top of her torso. Making it longer would've fixed that problem... ^^;;; Oh, well...

I've always put a little shadow under lower lips... ^^;;;; Though, perhaps it should've been a bigger shadow because of the puckering... ^^;;;;

The 14 hours wasn't SO bad, I guess... The few breaks I had really helped... ^^;;;

Thanks again for the really nice comments... ^-^

Posted: Friday, 29 April, 2005 @ 03:20 AM

Not much I can add to what Janus said... Other than... You're still the wiz with CGing. :)

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