Valerie Sloan

The Sultan - Pastel Trial
The Sultan - Pastel Trial by @sultansgirl (Valerie Sloan)

Here is my character Sultan again. This was a quick drawing in pastels. I havent used those things in forever and NOW I remember why. They're incredibly messy -washes hands-

I don't think the picture itself is too bad. It took up a whole ten minutes of my life but is nonetheless decent. Oh, and yes the mane is done in marker, it was supposed to be a darker gray but that wasnt working so I decided to color it with my pretty marker. (Though now that I look at the forelock, it looks like yarn).

Oh well... any comments or suggestion for next time. I think I should start experimenting with pastels, paints and markers - I need some new mediums that don't leave me constantly at the computer. :p

Finished Work
20y141d ago
Other Work By @sultansgirl

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 01 February, 2004 @ 10:40 PM

The muzzle and the cheek need some work (anatomy wise) but the over all effect is really nice. such a lovely soft grey :D sultan seems like a really nice character!

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