Lover of Pixel Night Skies
Lover of Pixel Night Skies by @DetectiveRJ

Did this as an ode to pixel art out there. I've always been a huge fan of pixel artwork and the idea was to make a piece that reflects this. Nothing much more to say about it except grey-blue tones are always A+. The background was ref'd from this pixel sky set.

319d ago
Other Work By @DetectiveRJ
In These Portfolios

Comments & Critiques (4)

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Posted: Monday, 31 July, 2023 @ 03:09 AM
Rating: 5

A fitting tribute! When you think about it, it's pretty amazing what the artists of the past could create with limited tools and colour palette.

Posted: Monday, 31 July, 2023 @ 08:49 PM

@JediPrincess: Thanks and I know, right? I remember how a lot of the artists I followed back in the day just used MS Paint with a touchpad or a mouse and to this day, I'm still all how?? at the amazing art they made. c:

Posted: Monday, 31 July, 2023 @ 04:07 PM
Rating: 5

I feel like the happiest art was made in the past, probably because people were happier and dreamt big. They were dreaming with pixels. Certainly you captured this.

Posted: Monday, 31 July, 2023 @ 08:48 PM

@Inafox: yep, you got me right in the feels lol

Yeah, things were certainly a lot brighter and happier when this kind of art was a thing. I also remember finding some speedpaints of people just doodling doggos in MS Paint back in 2008 or so rather recently and that made me feel super nostalgic too. And thank you so much. 8D

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