Yaminah Tashanazi

Cyborg - GITS Inspired
Cyborg - GITS Inspired by @chaosmage (Yaminah Tashanazi)

Rated just to be safe . . . it's a bit disturbing I suppose.

Mostly, I still just need to do the hands, a weapon of some kind and I might do some hair. I dunno.

Heavily Ghost In the Shell inspired, though it looks like something from one of the Terminator movies.

Teen (O)
18y286d ago
Other Work By @chaosmage

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Thursday, 21 July, 2005 @ 07:02 AM

Yeah, somewhat disturbing, though less so considering it's a . . . Well, I was going to call it a robot, when I realized I don't know that that's what it is. XD; It could also be a human with robot parts, I imagine. I can see the resemblance both from Ghost in the Shell and Terminator.

In any case, I find the neck and face the most disturbing parts, and the eyes. But it's well-drawn and I especially love the arms and torso. The detail to the mechanical-looking arm is a favorite part, as is the right eye and its socket. Such a sharp contrast to the whole left side of the face, which is, I imagine, what you were aiming for.

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