@Bubs_Cooper || Journal Entry

Why i haven't been active
20 Mar 2024, 08:14 PM

Hello! i haven't been really active because a lot of things have been going on and i haven't really had anything to post, not even art or anything, i've just been doing a multitude of things including developing one of my comics. I like to call it project Zelda because i don't have the whole thing laid out. I don't have everything set up to get it going so i'm just taking my time to get it released.. as for my other one it's on hold. Oh and life things got in the way as well. Lets just say family issues.

But i can't wait to get Project: Zelda going. ^^ i've been wanting to make something like this for years now. fyi it's a fanfiction not a original series. i'm a huge Zelda fan, and it will feature my original characters.

Comments (2)

Posted: Wednesday, 20 March, 2024 @ 11:32 PM

Ah yes, "life". I find it's a reliable disruptor to my plans as well. HAV - Albert, Prince Consort

As someone juggling way too many projects himself, I know that feel. Best of luck on the venture; one day I will get back into mine. :P

Posted: Thursday, 21 March, 2024 @ 04:54 AM

@Thorvald: Oh yeah it is i have three of them going on and it's just. x.x and i have Autism. i wanna to focus on both but it's like i can multi-task but not like this

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