@N0-11 || Journal Entry
Nihilina Gloomee

Thinking of making a Tarreon version of the CIA
31 May 2023, 12:45 AM

It’ll be called the TIA, Tarreon Intelligence Agency, they only wear black, purple and orange for the agents uniforms, they also work underneath Roffino, the more richer part of Tarreon. The TIA agents wear suit pins that are metal bright purple roses, they can only snuff out any strange beings in Tarreon’s grounds, they also believe that Lucyanna should work alongside them as well.

Comments (2)

Posted: Wednesday, 31 May, 2023 @ 03:53 PM
Minor correction: the CIA is (nominally) mandated for foreign operations; if the TIA is responsible for domestic security, it would be more analogous to the FBI.
Posted: Wednesday, 31 May, 2023 @ 07:42 PM

@Thorvald: Ok, thanks for the correction!

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