@Sea_Almasy || Profile
Rikku Almasy

@Sea_Almasy (Rikku Almasy)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
10 February, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
28 September, 1988
Sea_Almasy turns 36 this year.
Midgar ShinRa Lab (Florida), Unspecified
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~* I am currently accepting art trades/requests!_~

Hiyas! My name is Savannah, but I like to go by my alias online, Sea or just Shavvy. I absolutely love to draw, it’s my life, and always will be! I tend to draw a lot of Final Fantasy stuff, but I do make up my own stuff occasionally when I’m inspired enough to pick up a pencil and actually draw it, then scan it, and colour on Photoshop. Another thing: my main two mediums in art are the computer (my lovely Adobe PhotoShop) and watercolors. I’ve tried other things, but they just didn’t suit very well. Well, like I said, I’m a Final Fantasy freak. I absolutely LOVE the games, Final Fantasy VII being my favorite. I like almost all of the Square-Enix/Soft games. Let’s see...RC cola is good ( random note).. I just got into cosplaying, which is where you dress up as your favorite video game character or something anime related. Right now on my cosplay list is: Ino ( Naruto), Tsunade ( Naruto), Rikku (FFX/X-2), Aeris (FFVII/KH), Quistis (FFVIII), Padme (Star Wars), 2nd Hokage (Naruto), Zelda (LoZ)...etc... Ehehe. I have quite a few people on my list.

Here’s my profile.

~~~~~~ Name: Savannah aka Shavvy Age: 16 Skin: white/fair Hair: Blonde Eyes: blue to grey, and aqua blue when I cry XD Fav game: Final Fantasy VII Fav Male vid game character: Sephiroth (FFVII and KH), Cid (FFVIIand KH), Riku (KH), Sora (KH), Seifer (FFVIII), Wakka (FFX and X-2). Fav Female vid game character: Aeris (FFVII and KH), Tifa (FFVII), Edea (FFVIII), Eve (Parasite Eve), Quistis (FFVIII)


In order ^^ from what I like best Final Fantasy VII! (MY FAVORITE) Naruto ( It could be a tie...) Kingdom Hearts Final Fantasy VII: Adventy Children (even though it's not out yet, I still love it XD) Final Fantasy VIII Final Fantasy X and X-2 Final Fantasy VI Parasite Eve Tetsuya Nomura Yoshitaka Amano Basically all Square-Enix/Soft ~My friends Piano Singing Drawing, Art Lord of the Rings Matrix

Favorite Quote - As long as your going to make it out of the battle alive, you’re one step closer to fulfilling you dream... - Seifer, Final Fantasy VIII

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