@XxTheCreativeKitsunexX || Journal Entry

Update May 8 2024
08 May 2024, 06:16 PM

After much consideration I have decided to stop uploading to Soundcloud, delete all works on the site and to terminate my account all together. After supporting 3 websites with content over the past few years and getting no real traffic it is clear that I have to start trimming the fat.

What does that mean for FA? At this this time there is no plans for packing up and leaving FA as traffic here is the most I get on my works and have a lot of fans who continue to follow me steadily.

What does that mean for Side 7? I am currently evaluating traffic and may end up slowing down new content for the site but not overly sure yet. __

What does that mean going forwards? I am looking at a few new websites to post work

Why not bandcamp? I was part of bandcamp at one time and didn't find it very fitting for what I make.

Any plans for a website? I am currently debating having my studio have its own webpage and start selling my skills out to various companies willing to hire.

Any update on your album Killswitch I have put the album on hiatus while I evaluate changing the name and content of the album entirely.

At this time I am currently unsure about what to do moving forwards and have considered a patreon to help maybe build this studio of mine up. As I am not used to getting funding from outside sources and have always funded my own productions this will be a huge departure from what I usually do. Still this is all being considered at this point and nothing is truly set in stone, changes may occur over the next few years as I feel I have to push forwards away from posting works on FA and other websites ONLY and that may mean less Dreamtracks and video game related tracks to work on original works not attached to popular movie or video game franchises.

So no this is not doom and gloom or me making tracks away from FA or side 7 but merely beginning to think on a larger scale. I also want to put more time into my voice acting and learning how to code so I can make my video game Galaxy Savior a reality or at least get something together like a playable demo so I can kickstart the game. I realize now after years of working on Galaxy Savior I am not built to pull the entire weight of this game on my very own.

*That said thank you to my major supporters who fave and comment on my work here. This is just another step to take to evolve into the music composer I was meant to be. *

Comments (1)

Posted: Thursday, 09 May, 2024 @ 06:00 PM

I'm only cursorily familiar with SoundCloud (usually reaching it via external plugs elsewhere) so I can't speak to volumetrics; assuming it's not a paid account I am a tad surprised you'd choose to narrow your net, though I understand the malaise of no engagement. Also I finally read up on the site's operational history and good God, does it take copywrong to a new level. HAV - Julius Caesar

Now, my Paytreon barely functions as a tip jar so I cannot advise you on marketing, but if you are prepared to freelance, I imagine you'd find success. Honestly I'm shocked an artist of your versatility hasn't already leveraged this into a full-time career.

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