@jennula || Profile
Jenny Hannula

@jennula (Jenny Hannula)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
03 February, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
05 March, 1983
jennula turned 41 this year.
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Hi! I'm an university student, studying computer game graphics. I'm on my final months of this three-year education, working my ass off with an animated short film entierly made in Maya.

My interests are games, movies and comics. I'm mostly a sucker for light-hearted adventure games, like the old LucasArts adventures or Ape Escape or the Maro RPG games. I like it bright and funny and more when you have to solve small puzzles like that. In movies, my absolute favourite film is Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I love it! Funny adventures and good animation are also films I enjoy. When it comes to comics, I absolutely love Johan Wanloo's work. He's my favourite comic maker indeed. I also have a soft spot for Rumiko Takahashi and Johnen Vasquez' work...and I'm also a bit of a Hellboy fan :)

As for this gallery? Well, I haven't updated here for ages, so you'll obviously find some really old stuff over here...I'll try to put up some more recent stuff too. But my main interest when drawing is traditional fantasy or modern fantasy. I enjoy drawing humans, so you'll get to see many humanoids in this gallery. Especially funky-looking humanoids! Yes...

Yes, and I also might give this a try...yes, you may comission me! I don't have any prices set up yet, but I guess the range'd be somewhere between 50-500 SEK (about 5-50 Euro) depending on how advanced the picture'd be. Give me a private message and we'll discuss this matter :)

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