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Kimberly Samson

@kimbsams (Kimberly Samson)
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10 August, 2002
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Hello all! This here be the art archieve of the one and only Maquestan Koaloff, or Maqqy96, the most famous and greatest of all Mega Man artists (j/k) :)

Most of my artwork is up on my webpage, Maq's Hunter Hide-Out. However, I was bullied into getting a side-7 account, and I'm still debating on what I should put up here. I'm not sure if I should put up just fan-work, or if I should go with my origanal plans (for world domination!). I'd be more then happy to hear your views on this.

As for about me, I'm currently 20 years old, and I draw almost exclusivly anime, although I can do real portraits if you're really nice to me. I'm a rabid Mega Man fan (although Otaku is pushing it). I'm also in the midst of writing my own series, which I hope to animate someday. However, it's coming along very slow, so don't expect to see too much art from it (like you really care?)

I don't mind doing commisions, however, don't expect it to be done lickity split. I get commissions out the wazoo sometimes, so it might take me anywhere to 6 months to dish something out. But, unless I'm extrememly scatter brained the day you ask, I will get around to it. Also, I wont do more then three per person a year. I only have one real requirment: You have to be nice. If you walk in demanding a piece, you'll be shouldered out before you can say 'frak'.

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