@uu-hime || Journal Entry

FADERS site is now live
04 Aug 2023, 07:14 PM

Howdy, all. After a... Lot of headaches, https://faderscomic.com/ is now live!

It won't be as frequently updated as Webtoon and Tapas -- However, content will be added in parts, much like how I've been uploading it to Pillowfort.

So, yee. Go check it out, read my comic, and continue being cool. Thanks! ❤

Edit: Well, this is embarrassing. Turns out one of the links was wrong, a couple pages were out of order, and one, somehow, ended up in a loop with the previous page. That's been fixed. I've never made a website before now so bear with me here lol

Comments (8)

Posted: Friday, 04 August, 2023 @ 07:49 PM

Looks like it's off to an interesting start.

Posted: Friday, 04 August, 2023 @ 08:05 PM

@fragmented_imagination: Aaaa thank you quq

Posted: Friday, 04 August, 2023 @ 08:40 PM

@uu-hime: If you don't mind my curiosity, I noticed that the comic takes place in Japan but there does not appear to be much Japanese text. Do you require a translator? I have quite a few years of experience.

Posted: Friday, 04 August, 2023 @ 09:15 PM

@fragmented_imagination: Oh, thanks for offering! I thought about it but I decided against it. I just opted for changing the color of text instead just to make it easier to read and understand. (Though I should make some of the signs Japanese thinking about it ajkhdas)

Posted: Friday, 04 August, 2023 @ 10:52 PM
That was going to be my suggestion: background signage and occasionally foreground items. If you need any assistance, I will be glad to help. I even have a few extra fonts that might interest you.
Posted: Saturday, 05 August, 2023 @ 03:53 AM

@fragmented_imagination: Oh sure! I'd love to check them out. And absolutely -- I speak a little Japanese but I'm not fluent whatsoever, so I'll definitely reach out sometime. Thanks again

Posted: Saturday, 05 August, 2023 @ 04:43 AM

@uu-hime: This is where I have found some nice-looking fonts that imitate calligraphy. I also have a pair of fonts which imitate natural handwriting, but the site I downloaded them from has long disappeared. I am unsure how to get them to you.

Posted: Saturday, 05 August, 2023 @ 05:13 PM

@fragmented_imagination: Oh, it's okay! Thank you for the link

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