Des Tini

Happy Sparkly Kitties of Doom? by @deathdesu (Des Tini)

You see, when I stay up very very late at night, and I am not chatting with my friends, I tend to go insane. And when I go insane, I either obsessively draw seemingly random schtuff, or I write Happy Noodle Boy fics. Well, I drew the kitties of doom this time. Actually they be morphs of many many Invader Zim Fan Characters. Tonight I morphed their clothes too, making some very bizarre kitties. Okee, here goes.

ahem In the top left, those two black and yellow and green kitties are both the same Zouiya, just one is incognito. XD Zouiya is like Zim, but slightly smarter and slightly more arrogant and conceited. Oh dear.

That angry resident-evil looking kitty is Cir. He's hissing. Mmyep. Cir hates all. Literally. There is not one thing on this Earth (or Irk) he finds pleasurable. Except for sleeping. But sleeping only so he doesn't have to deal with all the stuff cluttering his defective robot brain. Well, in this case he's a kitty. But...oh...wait, huh? I'm confusing myself. Next character!

Diagonal from Cir is the Adri-kitty (this isn't the one overlapping Cir.The one next to em. Yeah, that one. The one with stripey thingies.) Adri's not mine. She's a pyromaniac with a kitty named kitty. I wonder what Kitty-kitty would react to Adri-kitty. I explode now.

Um..yeah. Next to the Adri-kitty, overlapping Cir, is the Ciz-kitty. Ciz isn't mine either. Ciz ish a manic with a hard past. Mmyep.

Then, faaaaaar across from the Cizkitty, under the Zouiyakitties, we see the Sune-kitty, who is also not mine. Uh...frankly, I don't know much about Sune. But she's cool ,yes? XD

Underneath her to the right is X-kitty. X is a pacifist. I think that pretty much 'splains him.

Sitting next to him is Saturnalia. She's a paranormal investigator. nodnod She's forceful.

Then, down under X to the left we have Q, X's partner, who is..er..less-than-pacifist, to put it that way. Q is obsessed with sweets. And video games. Yepyep.

And the remaining kitty is the Des-kitty. She's calmer than Dib, but really funloving. Uh-huh. Des is another one of them Dib sidekicks. XD I wonder what would happen if somehow all the fancharacters created to like Dib and help him out magically poofled into the same place. I think we'd end up with something like Tenchi Muyo, oh my!! XD! Hmm... fanfic idea... nah, I'm too lazy. BUT YOU CAN'T DO IT UNTIL YOU EMAIL ME! Wheehee!

22y32d ago
Other Work By @deathdesu

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