Mystic/Mystique by @EDavis (E. Davis)
Another pic of Mystic/Mystique, a character from Furcadia... but as a weere-horse. This one is much better than the previous drawing I did of her. I can't draw furries, but that doesn't bother me as I like weres a whole lot better. She looks rather sad, I s'pose as she stares ahead, dagger in hand. Yes, I forgot to put her scar in the pic because I am a dumb@$$.
RANT! NO, were-horses DO NOT have to have only 3 fingers. Where is that set in stone? NOWHERE. Have you ever actually seen a live werehorse in person running around? I think NOT. So I can draw my were-equines with as many fingers as I want, darn it! ...Sorry. o.o; /RANT Artwork © Copyright 2002 Unopa Nightfire
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