Vanessa Halls

Forever by @enn (Vanessa Halls)

Gavan and Sin, taken from an RP scene with me and :S. I rp with her a lot in case you haven't noticed. Anyway, this is called forever, because...Well. Here's the story. Keir and Sin got in a fight. Yes, they did. And they've been best friends for a while. Well, bad turned to worse, and Keir spilled, more like dumped the beans that Sin's been cheating on Gavan with everything male she can find. Sin denies it, and of course Gavan believes Sin. Keir is furious that she lied to him again. "You're not who I thought you were, Sin..." were Keir's final words to her, as she began to leave. Gavan watched her, knowing Keir wouldn't go out without a bang. And as soon as he saw her move, he dove in front of Sin and pushed Sin to the ground. So, Keir shot him instead. It was too late to stop herself, so she shot him right in the side of the chest. But to make a long story short, Sin saved him. It was a very sad sl. Poor dears. That's why Sin is all teary, even though she's smiling, because she had just been sobbing, thinking Gavan was gonna die. But, he didn't. And Sin still hasn't told the truth. Oh well, I guess in this case ignorance is bliss. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Vanessa Halls

21y177d ago
Other Work By @enn

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