Iris van Blijderveen

Galamutie & Rashikan II
Galamutie & Rashikan II by @punkyfox (Iris van Blijderveen)

A piccy of Gala 'n' Kan. :) He's back! :D Mauie decided to come back to her angelchymez account, and so the two of them are reunited. ^^ I worked on this one pretty long, and well, when I looked through some drawings in my drawing archives folders, I realized that I have been developing my drawing skills quite a lot the past... months, or something. I'm sort of proud that I am still becoming better. ^^' Anyway, enough yapping. I did the eyes a little different this time, and hopefully no idiot will believe that my drawings are based on POKÉMON anymore now... ¬_¬; (I got my revenge by beating up 40 pikachu's with my party members on D&D, last saturday. :P)

Finished Work
21y90d ago
Other Work By @punkyfox

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