Tabitha Ramsey

Burned Memories
Burned Memories by @tabby (Tabitha Ramsey)

Looking at journals, I see people tell recounts of the 9-11 for it's annverisary. I see no harm in doing so. In fact, it'd be a good way

Alot of people tell how they woke up to the act. That's not how it happened for me.

I woke up like it was any other day. Hell, at that time, it WAS any other day. I got dressed, went to the Sweds, and went to school. Innocent enough. First period was precal. Ung. How I hated that class. I couldn't wait to get to english. So, I got into english. Happy happy! That is..until the government teacher ran in the room, tugging on Duffy's sleeve and whispering in her ear. Duffy's eyes widened and turned to us. "Class...it seems a plane crashed into one of the World Trade Center tower." The class went -SILENT-. At that moment, Mueller came in, dragging his lap top with him. He went over to Duffy and pointed at the screen. We heard her gasp and turn away. Mueller faced us. "Another plane just crashed into the tower, and another into the pentagon.." All we could do was stare at him in utter shock. Duffy began to cry. (Later, we found out she did have a relative working the WTC) And Mueller hugged her tightly. That image, for SOME reason, was BURNED into my brain. (hence the pic) Needless to say, no one was doing any work that day. The bell rang and we all marched to the next class. I had Environmental Science. Thankfully, we acutally got a tv in thr room and for the first time, I saw tha damage that had been done to the two burning towers. The class sat in utter horror as they replayed the scene of both planes crashing...over....and over....and over..... and over.... and over.. And then, the camera was cut off. What the-? It came back on after a second and that's when my breath caught in my throat. It....it was -FALLING-....one of the towers gave way and collapsed apon itself. the image of a crumpling building with the people running...and then engulfed by the smoke and ash. And then the other followed it, joining it's brother in a death dive to the earth. I couldn't believe what had happened. I mean, people have died in accidents, but NEVER had one hit so close to home. The Pentagon....only a mere 45 minutes away from my location. Fort Detrik went onto alert, of course. Traffic was blocked, Fort D residents wre unable to get to their homes.. As night feel, all I could hear where the jets, the planes, and the armored vehicles..

Teen (O)
Finished Work
21y241d ago
Other Work By @tabby

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