Lauren Sovuhrabiya - rough by @Bad_Mojo (Jonathan P)
Caption: "You want a key? HERE'S YER STINKIN' KEY!!!"Have you ever been playing a game, and been enormously frustrated by a locked chest you were SURE had t3# m0573s7 1337 l007 in it? I have, and so has Lauren.
She started out as a name for an RP I'm in. I needed to create a character, and I was fooling around, and created the name "Lauren Sovuhrabiya". Say it fast enough, and it sounds like "Lawrence of Arabia". So, naturally, I had to use it. But then her story kinda ballooned in my head, and now I'm writing a story and she's a main character in the RP, as well.
Ya. I won't go into loads and loads of excess detail here - too much to tell, and if told in bits it makes no sense. So, a few simple details. She's Cleyran, and was once a shrine maiden in-training. I have a long story about why she now carries weapons, but suffice it to say that enough has happened to her to merit the change. Fooling around deep within Cleyra's trunk as a girl, she stumbled into a lair of vampires . . . and (you guessed it) got bitten. I drew fangs for her, but they're hard to see. Stinkin' fat 0.5mm pens. Anywho, yakyakyak, and she ran off and ended up an archaeologist/treasure hunter, using her profession to search for a cure for vampirism. Yes, she loves her hammer!
Now, for the nitty-gritty. 0.5mm mech pencil, inked with 0.5mm pilot pen. Dang, I need a micron pen. I'm penciling in more background details to make it look more tomb-y. Not done yet.
I'm not happy with her right foot/leg, but after several redraws it just wasn't improving. It's a weird angle.
I created this character, but Cleyrans are, as a whole, (c) Square-Enix. Naturally.
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