Samantha Nowinski

Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

This picture needs explanation. No, it's not about my personal life. I have a father and I love him very much. But for the darker side of Father's Day, I made this picture based off of my Invader Zim character, Tai. Why? Well, when he was five years old his father killed his mother, and abandoned Tai to be left as an orphan. His father was...erm, let's say controlled by powers beyond his power and took off in shame...but Tai personally thinks that's no excuse for his actions. So now, on this day, he feels bitter because he has no father of his own to share it with, or a good one for the matter.

But for the lighter side of Father's Day, there are people who have fathers whom they love very much. Cherish your father; he loves you very much. If there are people who don't have fathers or hate their own father, then at least silently thank him for bringing you into this world.

Happy Father's Day, eh? Artwork © Copyright 2003 Samantha Nowinski

Teen (L)
Finished Work
20y353d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

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