Stacey LeBlanc

'I'm not PMSing... I just don't like you!'
'I'm not PMSing... I just don't like you!' by @staclebl (Stacey LeBlanc)

First off, go to My LiveJournal to get the full story, but to summarize it up, this stupid BSB fanatic was annoying me last night and wouldn't take the hint that I didn't really want to talk to her or have ANYTHING to do with her little 'boys', so I gave her a hint and gave her a warning. So she IM's me back earlier today and starting whining about how rude and immature I was to her. I told her that I didn't really care, and she told me to control my PMS. Well, darling... this is all I'm going to say to you.

'I'm NOT PMSing, I just don't like you!'

In other words... my heart WEEPS for your stupidity for not taking the hint when a girl has better things to do than to talk about stupid boys that sing like women... thanks to morons like you, this is exactly WHY I hate boybands... it's not the band, it's YOU! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Stacey LeBlanc

22y67d ago
Other Work By @staclebl

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