Samantha Nowinski

Death Irkens -
Death Irkens - "Descriptions" by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

In case you can't read my sloppy handwriting, here:

(by Lord Ziera) The Death Irkens' government involves the monarchy system. This is the Lord's clothing.

(by Prince Zei drawing) The Prince is more important than the Lord. They watch battles and help plan for the next battle with the War generals. The Prince wears whatever he pleases.

(by Lady Niaka) The Lady of the Death Irkens isn't as important but she is to support the Lord all the way. This is her attire.

(by Death Irken tattoo) The Daeth Irken tattoo looks like a spider with six legs.

(by turtle neck pic) Death Irkens usually wear turtle necks to hide their tattoos.

(by Lieutenant Zei) Lieutenants wear this attire.

(by Cal) Captains wear this attire.

Also, the marks on their faces are war make up. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Nowinski

21y216d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

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