M. Hunter

Green Cherry
Green Cherry by @theropicu (M. Hunter)

This started out as my third Fresh Produce picture. The theme was supposed to be "Naruto only with cooler costumes." I was really gung-ho, and I started drawing Sakura during the meeting, and ended up finishing and inking her later on that same night. Unfortunately for me, Sharong (the Head Cheese of Fresh Produce) then decided that the theme would instead be "what would you look/be like if you were a character in Naruto?" Damn. So then I had to draw another picture for the thing.

I still like this picture though. I wanted to do Sakura because I feel that she really gets the short end of the stick in the series (or at least in what I've seen/read of it). While Naruto and Sasuke get to do all the fighting and cool moves and stuff, Sakura always seems to get stuck with the defense. "Go guard the old guy while we kick butt, Sakura." "Keep watch while we lie unconcious (as a result of our own stupidity), Sakura." It's not like Naruto is a sexist anime, there are plenty of strong females (Hinata rocks my socks!), but everyone seems to underestimate Sakura. So I gave her a cooler costume ^.^

I want her boots.

Finished Work
20y116d ago
Other Work By @theropicu

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