Sayra by @Reb (Robz C)
And here's Sayra. The fusion of both my RP characters, Sari and Kieyra. Sayra is basically half Sari, and half Kieyra. Think along the lines of a schizophrenic. A very dangerous Skitz. They pretty much look the same though at the moment I think. I went more along the lines of splitting them down the middle, instead of blending the physical characteristics like a true fusion does.
This is only a rough sketch, and I'm still working on it. I need to tidy up some of the lines, add colour, and make them seem a little more...seperated.
The left side is Sari, with straighter (more Human like) hair which lies flat and the arm's hanging right down. She also wears her glove on that hand.
The right side of the picture is Kieyra, with more of a spikey, SaiyaJin like appearance to her hair and one hand raised. This hand has Kieyra's glove on it.
The arm on the left side has both arm bands from both Sari and Kieyra. But I still want to do something different with the clothes. As I said, I'm still working on this one.
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