Amelia Piaker

Lenore - As The Fairy Queen
Lenore - As The Fairy Queen by @cutedeadgirl (Amelia Piaker)

one day i noticed that my bf had this keychain of a funky dude attatched to his wallet. we were over sean's house and i asked "who's the dude on your wallet?" and i guess dave thought i said "who's the dude on your wall?" cause he answered "oh that's kurt cobain, see it says it on the poster." and i was like "no i meant who's on your keychain?" and he was like "oh, that's lenore, kinda resembles kurt cobain though." lol ok yea that was just a background story on how i discovered lenore. my bf got me into lenore. hehe :-D he bought me the book noogies (containing issues 1-4) and wedgies (containing issues 5-8) and issue 9 for my b-day. i love lenore she is the cutest dead girl ever! i recently bought issue 10 and i got a lenore keychain like the one my bf has hehe :-D. but anyways yea...this is lenore from the comic called "Lenore, Queen of the Fairy Gnomes." where the fairy gnomes think that she's the fairy queen and stuff.

20y298d ago
Other Work By @cutedeadgirl

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