Luna Hinomura

Large Naga (Niravi?)
Large Naga (Niravi?) by @lunajurai (Luna Hinomura)

Probably my first naga drawing ever, if I remember correctly. I became interested in drawing my own depiction after I saw one in my friend's Elfwood Lothlorien gallery. This is how I saw it in my mind, and this is how it came out. My friend also told me to name her "Niravi."

I really like the look in her eyes-- it's supposed to seem a little depressed. The thing is, she lives out in the wilderness (in India, probably) all by herself and has never seen another naga. Native people consider her their guardian, but foreign game hunters scoff at that and often bribe their way in to seek her hide. This particular naga doesn't like having to hurt people in order to fight for her own life. However, she accepts that although it is unfortunate, it is sometimes necessary.

Finished Work
20y245d ago
Other Work By @lunajurai

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